Thursday, August 22, 2019

How relevant is this trend to your trade here in Namibia? Can you use it? Why and how?

Where I am sitting is were I was sitting 13 years ago as a trainee,but come back as a trainer for plumbing and pipe fitting. This new  trend in my trade is very import in Namibia as you see how the economic is growing very slowly Municipality, is charging customer on a high rate due to wrong measurement taken or the meter read will just write what is in his or her head. But with this new technology  even your gate is locked the dice will pick up the signal from your water meter and the readings that you have used in that month, will appear on the screen  to be able to print the invoice for that month, is very imperative to the Namibia nation, The ear pies is used to hear the sound and the bars on the screen will go high and the sound using the sound ear pies will sound with a base,then you must know there is a water leakage,this device create employment   and self employment to assist for people who needs that help.

leakage detector
In my class when I was a trainee in 2006

1 comment:

  1. Agree. this is the safe yet fast and reliable equipment as it can be used to detect leakages that are at certain points within the system, that are hard to detect with our naked-eyes. it saves times and reduce waste as the leakage can be detected immediately.


My oppopion in using ICT in my special trade of plumbing and pipe fitting.

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